Authors Name: Chavi Kapoor

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Author Reg. ID: TIJER_100590

Published Paper Id: TIJER2302061

Published In: Volume 10 Issue 2, February-2023


Abstract: DO WE LIVE IN A SICK SOCIETY? {CHAVI KAPOOR} In this hustle and bustle of life where everybody seems to be in a rat race it is sometimes difficult to understand the world around us. In this cooker pressure world, I believe that there are synonyms and antonyms of everything, like if there is good then there also exists evil. And when we talk about the society we live in, again it has its own ups and downs, it gives us the meaning but to some it may appear sick. So, without further ado lets dive into the question that what society is? Society is basically a group of people living together in an ordered community having shared customs, goals, values, laws, region, etc. and by society we actually mean in laymen terms society is something that the older generation is afraid of, for instance: you not might have heard that why do you care of anybody, live your life on your terms but you might have heard that please beta don’t do this, have you thought of what will the SOCIETY think of this? To be honest, I have stopped reacting to questions like these because my main focus is on the deeper question and that is DO WE LIVE IN A SICK SOCIETY? I think it depends on what our perspective is to look at this question, from one point of view people might say that there is a lot of negativity around the world and we definitely live in a sick world for instance: if there are 12 apples and even one apple gets damaged they would destroy the rest of them too but for someone like me, I believe that our society might be sick or not we should bloom like a lotus or a water lily out of it, meaning, if we live in a sick society like dirty water we should grow like a lotus and if we live in a great society then we should bloom like a water lily. There always be some kind of influence on us by our surroundings but we need to pace ourselves and be ready to fight and see through those barriers and pass too. As Thomas Szasz once said that we don’t live in a sick society, which I think is partially true, there are some people in the society who might be sick although there are people who makes this world a better place. Let’s be compendious by stating the real facts and studies. There is a statement, much celebrated by activists, critics, and political theory understudies the world over, that I think could utilize another glance: “It is no measure of good health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~Jiddu Krishna murti Assuming our general public is significantly sick and we ought to decline to adjust to it, then what are we expected to adjust to? Or on the other hand maybe the subtle suggestion is that a few of us are now great, and no changes are essential. Without a doubt, the ramifications of activism are by all accounts that others need to address their course — Presidents of petrol organizations, thoughtless shoppers, enthusiasts of Glenn Beck, individuals who talk during films or don't utilize their blinkers — they are society's infection, and in the event that they can be made to get down to business, we'll at last be enjoying the good life. assuming your advantage is impacting the world to improve things, your responsibility is to conform to the imperfect society we regard ourselves as in — this one that is occurring at present, with every one of its deficiencies and revolting spots. As opposed to evading "the foundation" and waiting for more brilliant individuals to be in power, your most prominent conceivable commitment is to figure out how to live reasonably in this crazy, broken society. To do that is to comprehend what is most important to it — with interest and love, as opposed to question; to treat your profound reactivity to it, to keep yourself quiet, to figure out how to work on your own personal satisfaction, to move past your disdain for other people, to reconcile with progress the very way it is at this phase of its turn of events, and in particular, to be appreciative that it exists by any stretch of the imagination. We don’t need to extricate ourselves from this sick society instead we need to involve ourselves and make sure that this society takes a shift from a sick to an imperfect than slowly towards a better society.This society has had an epoch making on the history. The Genz s have become humdrum to the word society as all they hear is, “what will the society think of your doings”, they are not at all afraid of their wrongdoings, and this is a fact that children make more mistakes when they do not care of what people will think of them. As adults and as Genzs we need to make sure that WE CARE, not about what “society” will think but what affect we put upon our younger generations, we would be their role models and we don’t want to set a wrong example for them. Being young and able to observe our role models like our parents, relatives, celebrities, freedom fighters we need the generations ahead to perceive the same too. At the point when Kangana Ranaut voiced her perspectives on women's liberation bravely and remained by it. During a meeting with the Indian Express in 2017 she said: Feminism is the “medicine” in a sick society. her exact words were, “Feminism is not a concept. Feminism is compensation. It is a subject of discussion these days because eventually, we have to emphasize that men and women are same, that only blood flows through our veins like anybody else’s, and there has to be equal pay for equal work. So, feminism is compensation for a lack in the society. We live in a sick society, and feminism is its medicine." So, for a few people the solution to a sick society is feminism whereas some people say we should adjust to this sick society, but I say that we first observe, perceive, absolve all the wrongdoings and the things which are flourishing and then slowly analyze what we can do as a younger and an active generation to make the world a better place and not only change things but to change ourselves for better as Gandhi once said,” BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.”


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Page No: 441-442

Country: new delhi, New delhi, India

Research Area: Arts All

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Published Paper PDF:

"DO WE LIVE IN A SICK SOCIETY", TIJER - TIJER - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (, ISSN:2349-9249, Vol.10, Issue 2, page no.441-442, February-2023, Available :

ISSN: 2349-9249 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.57 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2014
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Publisher: TIJER(IJPublication)

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