Published Thesis


  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3054

  Registration ID - 156382

 Pages: 648-697

 Year: January-2025


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The study aimed to determine the personality and driving behaviour of car drivers in Kerala. The study was conducted on 289 participants. The sample was collected using unrestricted self-selected survey methods from Kerala. The participants were administered psychological measures like the Big Five personality inventory developed by John and Srivastava (1999) and the Driving behaviour questionnaire developed by Davey, Wishart, Freeman and Watson (2006). The collected data were statistically analysed using the Karl Pearson correlation coefficient, independent sample t-test, and ANOVA.


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Keywords: Personality, Driving Behaviour, Car Drivers


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3053

  Registration ID - 156179

 Pages: 615-647

 Year: January-2025

  Author Name(s): ASOK CHAKRABARTI

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This paper presents a comparative study of the severity effect of earthquake forces on a multistory building. The behavior of the structures during seismic loads definitely has a major role, not only from structural point of view , but also safety of humans living in the structure. It is a major challenge to study the impact and performance of multistory structures under seismic loading. It is very essential to consider the effects of lateral loads in the design of reinforced concrete structures. It determines the critical design loading for a multistory buildings subjected to earthquake zones (II, III, IV and V). In the present study the response of high-rise multistory buildings are analyzed with earthquake loads based on IS 1893:2016 code. When a building is situated in a particular earthquake zone, the major designing loads for the particular building can be decided using these results. After a detailed study the buildings are more affected when subjected to earthquake forces at zone V and are less effected at zone II.


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3052

  Registration ID - 155935

 Pages: 451-614

 Year: December-2024

  Author Name(s): Priyanka Singh

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study explores the critical interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) and human behavior within organizational settings. Using a quantitative methodology, data from 504 employees across AI-utilizing organizations were analyzed to examine AI's effects on productivity, work stress, personality, and skill development. Results demonstrate AI's capacity to enhance productivity and facilitate continuous skill enhancement while presenting challenges such as maintaining employee well-being and adapting to technological changes. The findings provide actionable insights for organizations to implement AI effectively while fostering a balanced and supportive work environment that aligns with human psychological and emotional needs.


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Human Behavior, artificial Intelligence


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Thesis Title: A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of back massage in reducing post operative pain and improving the quality of sleep among patient undergone orthopedic surgery at selected hospital in Dindigul district

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3051

  Registration ID - 155212

 Pages: 383-450

 Year: December-2024

  Author Name(s): Mrs.VIJAYA, Prof. Thulasi mani, Mrs.Nancy

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


A Quasi experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of back massage in reducing post-operative pain and improving the quality of sleep among patients undergone orthopedic surgery at selected hospitals in Dindigul District was done by Mrs.VIJAYA.M. as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of science in Nursing to the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR. Medical University Chennai During the year of 2015-2017 The objectives of the study were(1)To assess the pre and posttest level of pain and quality of sleep among patients undergone orthopedic surgery in the control and experimental group,(2) To evaluate the effectiveness of back massage on the level of pain and quality of sleep among patients undergone orthopedic surgery in experimental group,(3) To correlate the level of pain with quality of sleep among patients undergone orthopedic surgery in the control and experimental group,(4)To find out the association between level of pain among patients undergone orthopedic surgery and their selected demographic variables and(5) To find out the association between level of quality of sleep among patients undergone orthopedic surgery and their selected demographic variables. In this study a quasi-experimental, non-randomized control group pretest –posttest design was adopted. Convenience sampling technique was used to select each 30 samples in experimental and control group. Structured interview schedule was used to collect the demographic variables. Visual analog scale and Modified Regensburg sleep assessment scale was used to assess the level of post- operative pain and quality of sleep. Experimental group received intervention of Back massage with routine care for 15-20 minutes twice a day for 1-3 post-operative days.


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Back massage ,quality of sleep, orthopedic surgery.


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Thesis Title: Using activity based instruction to enhance the performance of Senior High School 2 science students in understanding periodic properties of elements at Zuarungu Senior High School, Bolgatanga – East.

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3050

  Registration ID - 154741

 Pages: 319-382

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Hawa Naafortu Issah

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This project work investigates the effectiveness of activity-based instruction in enhancing the comprehension of periodic properties of elements among SHS 2 science students. The primary objectives of the study include assessing the impact of activity-based instruction on student understanding, comparing its efficacy against traditional lecture-based methods, and exploring student perceptions towards this pedagogical approach. Employing a mixed-methods research design, quantitative analysis is conducted through pre-test and post-test scores in experimental and control groups. The paired T-test is employed to determine the statistical significance of improvements in understanding attributed to activity-based instruction. Qualitative insights are garnered through a questionnaire administered to students. The findings reveal a substantial enhancement in students' understanding of periodic properties following exposure to activity-based instruction. Statistical analyses demonstrate significant performance improvements, suggesting that the observed advancements are not random chance occurrences. Additionally, student’s express positive perceptions of activity-based instruction, aligning with its effectiveness in enhancing their conceptual grasp. this project work establishes the potency of activity-based instruction in improving SHS 2 science students' understanding of periodic properties. The study underscores the value of interactive and experiential learning methods in science education, fostering deeper comprehension, heightened engagement, and favorable student perceptions


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Senior High School (SHS ),West African Examination Council (WAEC),West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE),Teaching and Learning Materials(TLMs),International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC),


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3049

  Registration ID - 155497

 Pages: 282-318

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Ms. Dishika Yadav, Ms. Anita Khosla

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The use of the internet has dramatically exaggerated over recent decades and this has caused many physical and psychological issues in the young generation. The present research intended to study the relationship between Big Five Factor of Personality, Internet Addiction and Psychological Wellbeing. A descriptive study was conducted on 100 young Indian adult population selected randomly who fall in the age range of 18 to 30 years. The stools used in the research work are: Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Kimberly Young (1998), NEO Five Factor Inventory by Costa and Mc Crae (1992) and Psychological well being scale by Carol D. Ryff (2007). The results were analyzed by using pearson moment correlation technique. Results showed that there was a significant correlation with psychological wellbeing and the big five factors of personality. There was no significant correlation found within the big five factors of personality and internet addiction. Also no significant correlation resulted in psychological wellbeing and internet addiction.


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Big Five Factors of Personality, Internet Addiction, Psychological Wellbeing, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extrovertedness, Addiction.


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Thesis Title: Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratios: Evidence from Bangladesh

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3048

  Registration ID - 155096

 Pages: 226-281

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Nahida Ferdous

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The study attempts to examine the relationship between dividend determinants and dividend payout ratio of service and manufacturing companies listed in the capital market of Bangladesh. From this study we can conclude that profitability, corporate tax, leverage, market-to-book ratio, firm size and previous year’s dividend are good predictors of future dividend payment behavior. In service industry profitability, corporate tax, leverage and previous year’s dividend are good predictors of dividend payout ratio while profitability, corporate tax, market-to-book ratio leverage and firm size are good predictors of dividend payout ratio in manufacturing industry. This study shows higher profitable firm provides less dividend because the major portion of surplus earnings of the firm are being allocated to the growth opportunities of the company so that the companies can expand its operation widely. Firms with higher debt pay fewer dividends because a large portion of current earnings is used to pay interest of the debt. Sometimes firms pay dividend by creating debts. Firms with higher tax payment pay more dividends because this firm has more earnings and less profitable investment opportunity to grow its operation as these firms reach their maturity level. Positive relation between firm size and dividend payout indicates that larger firms are able to provide high collateral so they have better access to capital Markets and it makes possible to finance the company with debt at a lower cost. As a result, companies have better access to capital markets, therefore, can pay dividends more easily. In Bangladesh undervalued company pays more dividends and overvalued company pays low dividend. Firms with historical dividend pattern continue dividend payment in future to maintain their credit rating and reputation and matured firm also pays more dividends for their less opportunity to grow.


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Dividend Payout Ratios, finance, financial management, dividend


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3047

  Registration ID - 154858

 Pages: 167-225

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): SUSAN AWINO OBWAR

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Performance of the National Police Service is an essential function in relation to government bodies and citizens. However, despite the government reform efforts in the National Police Service, performance has continued to deteriorate, with criminal activities increasing day by day. This is supported by the NPS Internal Affairs Unit (IAU) 2020 report, which revealed that a total of 1,043 complaints were received from the general public. Of these, 821 complaints were against officers from the National Police Service (NPS), 144 against the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), and 53 against the Administration Police Service (APS). The IAU, NPS/NPSC, NGAO, and others recorded 2, 8, 8, and 7 cases respectively. The purpose of this study is to analyze the moderating effect of organizational culture on change management strategies and organizational performance of the National Police Service in Kiambu County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to examine the influence of employee training, leadership support and effective communication on organizational performance of the national police service, Kiambu County, Kenya. The study used explanatory research design. The target population was 619 respondents comprising of 313 Kenya police, 293 administration police and 13 from the DCI. The sample size was calculated using Yamane's (1973) sampling formula. The study used stratified random sampling technique to select 242 respondents from the target population. Primary data was collected using interview guides and structured questionnaires. From the pilot test results, the study questionnaire met the reliability criteria (α>0.7). To improve the instrument's validity, the researcher sought help from supervisors, colleagues, and specialists. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, were used to summarize data. This study used Pearson correlation analysis to determine the strength of the association between independent variables and the dependent variable. From the results, there was a very strong relationship between employee training(r = 0.860, p-value =0.000), leadership support(r = 0.801, p-value =0.003), effective communication(r = 0.826, p-value =0.002) and organizational performance of the national police service, Kiambu County, Kenya. Multivariate regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. From the results, there was a positive and significant relationship between employee training (β =0.328, p-value = 0.001), leadership support β =0.354, p-value = 0.001), effective communication (β =0.357, p-value = 0.000) and organizational performance of the national police service, Kiambu County, Kenya. The study concludes that employee training, leadership support and effective communication has a significant effect on the organizational performance of the National Police Service in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study also concludes that organizational culture has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between change management strategies and organizational performance of the National Police Service in Kiambu County, Kenya. This study recommends that the National Police Service in Kiambu County, Kenya, invest in comprehensive training programs that focus specifically on change processes, training needs assessment, and effective training modes. In addition, the study recommends that the management of National police service should prioritize leadership development programs that focus on enhancing leaders' abilities to consider human and emotional aspects


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3046

  Registration ID - 155180

 Pages: 126-166

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Lakshmi A, Dr. B R Omkaresh, Dr. Bhaskar H.B

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study investigates the performance characteristics of Used Cooking1Oil (UCO) biofuel blended with zinc oxide nanoparticles in a Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) engine. The worldwide trend towards renewable energy has spurred interest in alternative fuels like UCO due to its renewable nature and potential environmental benefits. Concurrently, advancements in engine technology, such as CRDI, offer opportunities for optimizing fuel efficiency and emissions control. Nano-additives like zinc oxide hold promise for enhancing the combustion process and improving fuel stability. This research aims to explore the synergistic effects of blending UCO biofuel with zinc oxide nanoparticles on engine performance. Comprehensive performance testing, including assessments of fuel efficiency, emissions profiles, and engine durability, will be conducted to evaluate the viability of this fuel blend. The outcomes of this study has consequences for enhancing the utilization of UCO biofuel and advancing sustainable energy solutions in transportation and beyond. The experiment aims to assess the potential of ZnO nanoparticles as an additive to enhance the efficiency and reduce emissions of biodiesel in modern diesel engines. Biodiesel was prepared via transesterification, and ZnO nanoparticles were dispersed in various concentrations to form nano fuel blends The outcomes of these examinations offer perception into the potential environmental advantages and disadvantages of UCO biodiesel as an alternative fuel. Overall, this project aims to study the production and analysis of biodiesel from UCO added with Nano particle (zinc Oxide). This result aims to contribute to the development of sustainable and renewable energy sources while assessing the feasibility and feasibility of UCO biodiesel blended with Nano particle as a fossil fuel alternative.


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Used Cooking Oil (UCO), Biodiesel, CRDI Engine, Engine performance, Emission.


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Thesis Title: Designing an Interactive Communicative Grammar Program for Teachers in Monastic Schools: A Case Study of North Okkalapa and Mingalardon Townships in Yangon, Myanmar

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3045

  Registration ID - 154912

 Pages: 90-125

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Zin Zin Thin, Cherry June Maridable

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Grammar learning is considered essential in language acquisition, particularly for non-English speakers. It is widely believed that learners cannot achieve proficiency in a new language without a solid understanding of grammar. Consequently, grammar plays a vital role in various contexts, such as academic studies, formal writing, and editing, prompting learners to memorize grammar patterns. Traditional grammar teaching methods often focus on rote memorization of rules and the construction of mechanical sentences. The purpose of this study is to propose communicative grammar activities for eleven grammar items found in Grade 7 and Grade 8 textbooks. To identify the difficulties and language needs of middle school English teachers at monastic schools in North Okkalapa and Mingalardon Townships, a questionnaire was administered. Based on the findings, communicative grammar activities were developed for the selected grammar items. The study incorporated pre-communicative and communicative activities as outlined by Littlewood (1981) and oral and written communicative activities suggested by Byrne (1996), in addition to other activities proposed by Richards and Rodgers (1986). Data analysis and interpretation indicated that engaging communicative activities tailored to these grammar items could effectively address teachers' language needs. It is anticipated that these activities will be beneficial and effective for English teachers, particularly those instructing Grade 7 and Grade 8 students, as they navigate challenging grammar lessons.


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Grammar, Language acquisition, Communicative activities, English teachers ,Middle school ,Rote memorization, Curriculum development


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Thesis Title: Utilizing context-based instructions to teach aliphatic hydrocarbons in organic chemistry

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3044

  Registration ID - 154738

 Pages: 1-89

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Crispin Kobina Nyamekye Baidoo, Starlinda Maa Paintsiwa Quartey

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the misconceptions in aliphatic hydrocarbons in organic chemistry among chemistry students in Winneba Senior High School and to enhance their performance using context-based instruction. The research design employed an action research-case study carried out at Winneba Senior High School in the Central Region of Ghana with a sample size of 52 students. The students were purposefully selected. The main instruments used to collect data for the study were test items, semi-structured interview and observation guide. Both pre-test and post-test contained concept questions designed to identify students’ misconceptions and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention implemented while the interview guide and observation chart, were designed to determine students’ awareness and attitude towards organic chemistry. The numerical data of the pre-test and the post-test were analyzed using t-test statistics at an alpha value of 0.05. There was a significant difference between pre-test scores and post-test scores of students ( = 3.33 > t.crit = 2.01). There was no significant difference between the post-test scores of male and female students ( = 0.14 < t.crit =2.02). It was concluded that, context-based instructions had positive impact on students’ performance in aliphatic hydrocarbons at Winneba Senior High School. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that teachers should adopt the use of context-based instructions in teaching organic chemistry to students.


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Context-based Instruction(CBC),Context-based Learning (CBL), Teaching and Learning Materials(TLMs),West Africa Senior School Certificate Examinations(WASSCE),Senior High School(SHS),West African Examination Council(WAEC),International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC),Foundation of Science(FOS),Problem-Based Science(PBS),Intelligence Quotient (QI)


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Thesis Title: The impact of privacy management on the behavioral intentions in the era of algorithm-driven social media

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3043

  Registration ID - 154122

 Pages: 962-994

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Jendoubi Eslem, Jridi Kaouther

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In the last decade , the artificial intelligent revolutionize the world of network marketing from its intervention by developing a techniques that helps the online business to improve its services and prove its location .In fact ; With the Internet and digital media coming into our lives , the way businesses operate has radically changed especially with the appurtenance of artificial intelligence in digital marketing area , by using a tools named the algorithmic tools or to be more specific , it called the algorithm of social media that helps to personalize the online services as the advertisements display in social network . The Internet privacy today has been proposed as a new dimension of the digital marketing Indeed, It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of privacy management in the modern age of algorithm-driven social media. In order to examine the significant influence of privacy management on behavioral intentions in the context of social media use, this study uses a confirmatory research methodology. We have thoroughly investigated the many facets of privacy management in the digital environment using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in SPSS and AMOS. Our results provide light on the complex interactions between users' behavioral intentions and privacy control techniques. Furthermore, in order to validate these associations, we utilized AMOS, which clarifies the structural equation modeling and validates the importance of privacy management in influencing users' choices and behaviors in the ever-changing, algorithm-driven realm of social media. This study adds insightful knowledge about the crucial interaction of privacy management, user behavior, and the ever-evolving digital landscape


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Social media algorithm, Privacy management , Behavioral intentions, perceived trust , perceived control , perceived risk


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Thesis Title: Influence of self-adopted motivational strategies of mathematics teachers on students' performance: a case study of kpandai senior high school

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3042

  Registration ID - 154329

 Pages: 929-961

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Kangba mpuan foster

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate influence of self-adopted motivational strategies by mathematics teachers on students’ performance. The study adopted a qualitative research method with an exploratory case study design for an in-depth examination of multiple cases at Kpandai Senior High School. The study focused on mathematics teachers and their corresponding students they teach at Kpandai Senior High School. A purposive sampling technique was used in sampling all the nine (9) mathematics teachers in the school while maximum-variation sampling technique used in sampling students. Saturation principle was applied in determining students sample size. Data was collected using semi-structured interview guides and was analysed thematically. The findings of the study revealed that the self-adopted motivational strategies employed by Mathematics teachers at Kpandai Senior High School encompassed creating a positive classroom environment, contextualizing mathematical concepts, engaging students with the relevance of mathematics, problem-based learning, real-world applications, and incorporating technology. The employed self-adopted motivational strategies by mathematics teachers effectively enhance students’ engagement in mathematics lessons. There is a clear relationship between the implementation of self-adopted motivational strategies by Mathematics teachers at Kpandai Senior High School and students' academic performance. However the relationship differs based on the individual student, taking into consideration diverse factors. The study recommends that professional development opportunities for mathematics teachers should be provided to enhance their knowledge and skills in implementing self-adopted motivational strategies.


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mathematics, motivational, strategies, self-adopted, students, performance


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3041

  Registration ID - 154167

 Pages: 899-928

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Sakshi uttam patil

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The project will also examine the role of leadership, communication, and organizational culture in shaping employee engagement. It will analyze how these elements influence employee satisfaction, retention, and overall performance. By highlighting best practices and successful examples from various industries, the project aims to offer practical recommendations for companies looking to improve their employee engagement strategies. Ultimately, the goal is to demonstrate that investing in employee engagement not only benefits the employees but also leads to greater organizational success and competitiveness.


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employee engagement


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3040

  Registration ID - 154146

 Pages: 865-898

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Aswani.B, Greeshma.K, Livya C Wilson, Midya Sara Thomas, K M Pranavya Das, Joyes Joy, Nidal. P V

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION The first five years of life form the foundation of the child's physical and mental growth and development. At this age a child's cognitive, emotional, physical and social development is taking place. Proper care is vital and strict observation is necessary. Unfortunately, the mortality and morbidity are high among these groups. Despite being entirely preventable and treatable, common infectious diseases are still killing young children, especially children under five being vulnerable to infectious diseases like malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea,HIVand tuberculosis. In underdeveloped nations, diarrheal infections are the most common pediatric illness and the primary cause of avoidable mortality, particularly for children under the age of five. One of the biggest issues impacting children worldwide is acute diarrheal illness, which lowers their well-being and significantly increases the demand for medical care. Previous research revealed that 525,000 under five children worldwide die from diarrheal episodes every year. Diarrhea is particularly dangerous for young children, and most diarrhea related deaths occurred in South Asia and Africa. The present study assessed the level of knowledge among mothers of under five children regarding diarrhea and its prevention which was conducted in selected Anganwadis of Vaniyamkulam panchayat. BACKGROUND In most cases, contaminated food and water sources are the cause of diarrheal disease, which is one of the world’s worst causes of infant death and morbidity. Around the world,2.5 billion people lack adequate sanitation and 780 million people lack access to clean drinking water. Infection-related diarrhea is common in underdeveloped nations. Children under three have an average of three episodes of diarrhea per year in low income nations. Every incident robes the infant of the nourishment required for development. As a result, diarrhea is a primary contributor to malnutrition and increases the risk of diarrheal illness in undernourished children. METHODOLOGY The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge regarding diarrhea and its prevention among mothers of under five children. The study also evaluates association between the level of knowledge regarding diarrhea and its prevention among mothers of under five children and their selected demographic variables. The study was conducted in selected Anganwadis of Vaniyamkulam panchayat. 30 samples were taken for the study by using a convenient sampling technique. The data was collected from 30 mothers by a structured questionnaire prepared in google forms.Data was collected on 11th of December using a structured questionnaire prepared through Google forms. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied on the data. RESULTS Socio-demographic variables like age (66.7% belong to 20-30 years and 33.3% belong to 30-40 years), education (53.3% had plus two level of education,43.3% had a graduate level of education and 3.4/% had postgraduate level of education),occupational status of the samples (80% were unemployed, 13.4% were private employees, 3.3% were self employees and the rest 3.3 were government employees), number of children (53.3% had 2 children,40% had 1 child and the rest 6.7% had more than 2 children), domestication of animals (13% domesticated animals and the rest 70% did not domesticate animals),area of residence (70% resided in the village area and the rest 30% resided in the town area), source of water supply (30% took water from pipelines,13.3% took water from bore wells and 56.7% took water from wells), method of disposal of kitchen waste (10% disposed off their kitchen waste by burning them,33.4% buried their kitchen waste 53.3% disposed off their waste through composting and 3.3% through dumping),the previous knowledge of the samples (56.7% were not previously aware of diarrhea and its prevention and 43.3% were aware of diarrhea and its prevention). Knowledge level of mothers of under five children regarding diarrhea and its prevention was also assessed. 66.7% of the samples were having moderate levels of knowledge, 23.3% were having inadequate knowledge and 10% were having adequate knowledge.On analyzing the knowledge score, Range (4-17), Mean (10), Mean Percentage (58.82%) and Standard Deviation (3.38) was obtained.χ2 test was used to find out the association between level of knowledge among mothers of under five. The 𝛘2 value was significant at ≤0.05. There was a significant association between the knowledge score of mothers of under five children and the selected demographic variables education and occupation on analysis.It was also found that there was no association between the knowledge score of mothers with selected demographic variables such as age of the mother,number of children, domestication of animals, area of residence,source of water supply,method of kitchen waste disposal and previous knowledge. CONCLUSION Diarrhea being one of the killer diseases in the age group of under five children, this study signifies the need to strengthen educational interventions at panchayat level for mothers of under 5 for empowering them with practices in management and prevention of Diarrhea and its complications. However the statistics regarding inadequate knowledge regarding the same is slightly relieving.


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Thesis Title: The Role of Health Education on Breast Cancer awareness, Basic life Support Orientation & Awareness of Millets amongst population of Uttarakhand People

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3039

  Registration ID - 153807

 Pages: 812-864

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Dr. Vaibhav R. Deogirkar, Dr. Ravindra A. Kamble, Dr. Sneha D. Bhatte, Partha Roy, Dr. Vinayak B. Awkirkar

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The study sought to determine the role of health education on Breast cancer awareness. Basic life Support Orientation & Awareness of Millets amongst population of Uttarakhand People. To achieve the purpose of the study, three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature was reviewed, while a survey research design was adopted for the study. The results showed that breast cancer awareness significantly affects individual’s knowledge of the symptoms and risk factors of breast cancer, as well as their practice of breast self-examination Basic life support orientation & Millets awareness. Most importantly the result showed that Health Education has a positive significant role in the reduction of breast cancer, effective management of cardiac emergencies & value addition in Nutrition. In conclusion, it was recommended among others that more of this kind of study should be carried out regularly to educate students about their health, and health education as a subject be adopted as a core subject in our school’s curriculum. Also Government and Non-governmental organizations should organize seminars, health awareness talk shows and campaign on other health related issues.


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Health Education, Breast cancer awareness, Breast-self-examination, Symptoms and risk factors. Basic life Support Orientation & Awareness of Millets


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Thesis Title: Assess the prevalence of malnutrition among under five children at selected hospitals.

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3038

  Registration ID - 153691

 Pages: 782-811

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Mrs. Aswani.B, Ashly Mariya Paul, Asha Maria Thomas, Arya .S

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


BSTRACT The present study was to assess the prevalence of malnutrition among under five children at selected hospitals. Objectives: Assess the prevalence of malnutrition among children, find out the association between the malnutrition among under five children and their demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative approach was adopted for this study. Data was collected from 30 samples in PK DAS Medical College, Vaniyamkulam. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. The tool used for data collection is Anthropometric measures. The pilot study was conducted among 5 samples to determine the feasibility of this study. The data was analyzed and interpreted using Descriptive non experimental study. Result and Interpretation: The study showed that 77%of children are normally nourished, 10% of children belong to grade 1 and grade II while 3% belong to grade III in the study respectively. After analyzing the data statistically we have got the calculated value less than tabulated value so there is no significant association between the selected demographic variables and prevalence of malnutrition among under five children hence we accept Ho and reject H1. Conclusion: The study has assessed the prevalence of malnutrition among under five children in selected hospitals. The following conclusions were made based on findings of the study. About 77% of children are normally nourished, 10% children belong to grade I and grade II while 3% belong to grade III in the study respectively.


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Malnutrition, Under five children, Hospital


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3037

  Registration ID - 152817

 Pages: 736-781

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The research utilized a descriptive survey design, aiming to gather information from participants about the factors causing low performance in English language at the grade 12 level. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to explore these factors and potential solutions. Semi-structured open-ended interviews were conducted with pupils, while questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers, headteachers, and education standards officers. The study focused on investigating the impact of unsupportive environments, lack of teaching materials, and inconsistent government policies on performance. The population of the study consisted of 133 participants, including grade 12 pupils, English language teachers, secondary school headteachers, and education standards officers from five-day secondary schools in Nsama District. Data analysis involved using frequency percentage tables and charts for qualitative data obtained from interviews, and similar tables and charts were employed for quantitative data obtained from questionnaires. Additionally, statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher distributed questionnaires to participants, allowed time for understanding, and then collected them after a week. Semi-structured interviews were administered to pupils, and their responses were recorded. In summary, the research employed a descriptive survey design, employed both qualitative and quantitative methods, and analyzed data using frequency percentages, charts, and SPSS.


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Assessment, performance, achievement, proficiency, competence, knowledge, attainment, inconsistency, progression, cohort, orthography, disparities, environment, pedagogy, language immersion, constructivism, policy, biliteracy, inadequacy and priority


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Thesis Title: Impact of Geopolitical Issue upon Crude Oil Prices and Futures in Indian market: A Case of Russia-Ukraine War

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3036

  Registration ID - 152981

 Pages: 689-735

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Koshik Raj P, Priyanka Dasgupta

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The research project examines the geopolitical impacts on crude oil prices and futures in India, focusing on the Russia-Ukraine war. A comprehensive analysis of secondary data was carried out using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For the qualitative aspect, factors such as Embassy Information, Official Data from the MCX website, OPEC countries, the OECD Organization, the United States Energy, interviews/podcasts with experienced individuals, and newspaper articles from credible sources were utilized. This analysis revealed that external factors, including oil production in OPEC countries, US sanctions on Russian oil, conflicts between G7 countries and Russian allies, significantly influence Indian crude oil prices and futures. In the realm of Quantitative analysis, a concise examination was conducted to investigate the correlation, regression, and comparative aspects associated with the factors influencing crude oil rates and futures in India, particularly amidst the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The study revealed a strong influence on Indian Crude oil Rates and Indices by additional factors such as BRENT Crude oil Rates, oil rates of OPEC Countries, and other pertinent elements elucidated within the project. Significantly, the research concludes by emphasizing that Geopolitical issues play a significant role in shaping commodity prices and markets in India, underscoring the necessity for investors to remain well-informed about global events due to the high volatility inherent in such commodities. Hence, it is imperative for investors to perform thorough assessments before delving into the commodity market in a nation like India.


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Geopolitical Issue/Occurrences, Russia-Ukraine War, Indian Crude oil prices, Indian Commodity Market, Energy Economics


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3035

  Registration ID - 152989

 Pages: 639-688

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Edwin Raj Joseph

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This qualitative research aims to delve into the perceptual discrepancies around skill assessment from freshers and hiring managers’ perspectives, investigating the root causes and organizational implications of the problem. The research methodology presupposes dividing two types of questionnaires for the respondents – management graduates who have never worked in the field and HR professionals/hiring managers. Specifically, the study uses purposive sampling to select the management graduates without experience and snowball sampling to attract the HR professionals/hiring managers. The focus of the questionnaires aligns with industry-relevant skill evaluation, as well as the subsequent ranking and expected level of mastery. This study delves deeper into this complex issue. My primary objective is threefold: 1. Identifying the Root Causes: We aim to dissect the factors leading to the perceptual discrepancies between what recruiters expect and what fresh graduates possess. 2. Impact Analysis: We will examine the consequences of this dissonance on fresh graduates, hiring managers, and the companies themselves. 3. Bridging the Gap with AI: Finally, we explore solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can empower graduates to overcome the root causes of these perceptual discrepancies. The research aims to achieve these objectives with the help of a comparison between responses collected from two sample groups. A comparative analysis of these responses will allow researchers to observe the patterns and deviations present in participants' views of their skill assessment. The anticipated findings have the potential to shed light on the root causes of perceptual differences between freshers and hiring managers when discussing their assessment of skills. As a result, there is a possibility of improving organizational scenarios due to an understanding of what skills are necessary and how we can improve the value an employee can have.


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Communication Skill Industry relevant knowledge about the field Time management Stress management project management capabilities people management skills Logical reasoning skills leadership skills Problem solving skills Adaptability


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Thesis Title: Comparison Of Accounting Software

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3034

  Registration ID - 152608

 Pages: 588-638

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): V VARNITHA MENON

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The contemporary business landscape witnesses a plethora of accounting software options, ranging from basic bookkeeping tools to advanced enterprise solutions, posing a challenge for businesses in selecting the most suitable option. This research aims to address this challenge by conducting a comprehensive comparison study of accounting software across various business sectors, focusing on the needs and challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The study identifies research gaps, objectives, and scopes, emphasizing the importance of considering factors such as affordability, scalability, integration capabilities, usability, and total cost of ownership. By investigating accounting software functions, features, and efficiency, the research endeavors to provide valuable insights and recommendations to empower businesses in making informed decisions. The limitations of the study, including sample size, generalizability, subjectivity, time constraints, and data availability, are acknowledged. The findings of the study, along with suggestions and conclusions, contribute to advancing knowledge in the field of accounting software selection and implementation, offering practical guidance to businesses navigating the complex landscape of financial management solutions.


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Accounting Software, SMEs, Comparison Study, Business Sector, Affordability, Scalability, Integration Capabilities, Usability, Total Cost of Ownership, Functionality, Efficiency, Research Gaps, Recommendations, Limitations, Financial Management Solutions


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3033

  Registration ID - 152613

 Pages: 524-587

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Gaurav Bhatia

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The desire to own one's own home ranks high among human beings' most fundamental needs. Among a person's most valuable possessions is their real estate. Being a proud owner of one's own property may do wonders for one's self-esteem. There has been another kind of property, known as intellectual property, which is intangible, incorporeal, and abstract, in addition to physical and tangible property, for a long time now all over the world. The end product of this intellectual B. Rectification remedy provided by IPAB Rectification provisions under all trademarks legislations in India. CHAPTER – VI 6 CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclusion 6.2 Limitations 6.3 Suggestions BIBLIOGRAPHY property includes innovation in many fields, as well as ideas, creations, creative abilities, and secret information or know-how in areas such as business, medicine, art, culture, customs and traditions, and more. Intellectual property originates in the human brain and has been there since prehistoric societies, albeit it has only recently become increasingly valuable and important. Similar to how other laws have evolved throughout the years to address the needs of the global community, intellectual property laws have long served to safeguard physical and tangible assets.


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Electronic, trademark IPR


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3032

  Registration ID - 152449

 Pages: 454-523

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Sapna Gulati

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Sexual assault and its various forms have been recognized by almost all the society and have been recorded by history. It is not a crime against women but it is the crime against the whole society; it is against the basic human rights of all the individuals. Rape laws have been recognized by all the countries; in India 'rape laws' began with the enactment of the Indian Penal Code 1860. After 1860 there have been various amendments, and the main issue of focus remained on the definition of rape. The inclusion of 'consent' and 'age of consent' in rape became a very big matter of debate and thus wth proper judgments and amendments the consent part in rape has been made clear. A big matter of debate from the 1990s until today in the ambit of rape laws is the inclusion of "marital rape". Facing public protests and political pressure after the attack, the government reformed some laws on sexual violence and harsher punishments but still sexual attacks have caused outrage. This paper discusses various amendments that have been made till today regarding rape laws in India and reason and the need for those changes and the loopholes that still exist in rape laws in today's Indian legal system.


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Rape, Indian society, laws, constitution, sexual assault


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Thesis Title: CRITICAL ROLES OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN COMMUNITY GROWTH (The case study of Ga-West Municipality of Greater Accra Region of Ghana)

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3031

  Registration ID - 152358

 Pages: 366-453

 Year: April-2024


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


CRITICAL ROLES OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN COMMUNITY GROWTH (The case study of Ga-West Municipality of Greater Accra Region of Ghana)


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CRITICAL ROLES OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN COMMUNITY GROWTH (The case study of Ga-West Municipality of Greater Accra Region of Ghana)


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Thesis Title: Dynamics of India-Canada Relations under Prime Minister Modi's Leadership

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3030

  Registration ID - 152096

 Pages: 333-365

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Yash Kumar

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


India and Canada boast a long-standing relationship built on common ground – democracy, human rights, and diversity. This translates into healthy economic cooperation, with significant bilateral trade and Indian investment in Canada. However, the path is not without obstacles. Cultural sensitivities, particularly surrounding the Khalistan movement, and recent challenges for Indian students obtaining Canadian visas cast a shadow. To navigate these complexities and strengthen ties, both nations must find common ground while acknowledging areas needing diplomatic efforts.


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Khalistan, Engagement, Cooperation, Diplomacy, Bilateral, Polices


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3029

  Registration ID - 151813

 Pages: 283-332

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): ANTHONY MWITI WAMBU, Dr. Eric Araka

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Insurance companies are continuously inventing new competitive insurance products in order to enlarge their market share. This has continuously created opportunities for insurance fraud as well. In motor vehicle insurance, fraudulent claims continue to be a big challenge despite the insurance industry having vast amounts of motor vehicle insurance policy data and claim’s data. Proper analysis of this data can help to develop a more efficient way of detecting fraudulent claims. The challenge is how to extract insightful information and knowledge from this data since by their nature insurance datasets contain noisy features or subsets of data which are of poor quality. In order to achieve an effective machine learning model, one needs to choose the right set of features of data in the pre-processing step. Including noisy and less important features has proven to affect the performance of most of the existing machine learning models being used in the insurance companies. With aid of proper and effective feature selection techniques machine learning models that uses only relevant features of data can be developed in order to detect fraudulent insurance claims effectively. These models can be employed in insurance industry to aid in detecting fraudulent motor vehicle insurance claims. This will result in reduction of loss adjustment expenses and also improve customer satisfaction. Although there exist several other methods and ways of data preprocessing this study employed an ensemble multiple filter feature selection method. This study involved development of motor vehicle fraud detection model using multiple algorithms whose results were combined by use of a voting method.


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Data Mining, Machine Learning, Feature Selection, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, ensemble multiple filter feature selection method, information Gain (IG), Voting, SMOTE


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Thesis Title: The role of 3d printing in healthcare sector

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3028

  Registration ID - 151189

 Pages: 250-282

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): SAHIL SACHAN, Gummadi Srikanth, Kotla Srihari

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This abstract discusses the transformative impact of 3D printing on the healthcare industry. It introduces the concept of additive manufacturing through 3D printing, highlighting its utilization of computer-aided design to create three-dimensional objects using various materials. The narrative explores the intersection of technology and healthcare, focusing on how 3D printing has emerged as a ground-breaking instrument with the potential to revolutionize patient care, research, and treatment options. The study aims to investigate the diverse applications of 3D printing in healthcare, emphasizing its uses, advantages, and challenges. It addresses the rising demand for customized medical devices and the need to cut costs without compromising quality. The research delves into the current status of 3D printing in healthcare, its integration into clinical practice, and its future potential. Furthermore, it explores ethical, legal, and financial considerations surrounding 3D printing in healthcare, examining its impact on patient care and the broader healthcare ecosystem. The narrative underlines the significant improvements brought about by 3D printing in the medical industry, including the development of surgical guides, prosthetics, and patient-specific replicas of bones, organs, and blood vessels. It notes the advancements in product characteristics such as strength and safety, reduced lead times, and lower costs. Despite these advancements, challenges are acknowledged, such as the lack of clear regulations for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of 3D-printed medical devices. Issues with raw materials, cost implications, and limitations on printable materials are also discussed. The global market size for 3D printing in 2022 is mentioned, projecting significant growth with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.3% from 2023 to 2030. In summary, the abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of 3D printing in healthcare, addressing its potential benefits, challenges, and the need for further exploration in this dynamic intersection of technology and healthcare.


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• Additive manufacturing • 3D printing • Computer-aided design (CAD) • Healthcare innovation • Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) • Patient care • Patient-centric solutions • Prostheses


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3026

  Registration ID - 151179

 Pages: 129-135

 Year: February-2024


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT The present study assessed the Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) among antenatal women in selected hospital, Ernakulam. The objectives of the study were to assess Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness among antenatal women and to find the association of Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness with sample characteristics. Convenience sampling technique was used to select 75 antenatal women from 20 weeks of gestation. The data were collected using Maternal Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness assessment tool by structured interview technique and was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that 72% of antenatal women had good BPCR and 28% had poor BPCR. Among the sample, 28% had good knowledge regarding danger signs and 72% had poor knowledge regarding the danger signs. Significant association was found between BPCR and sample characteristics such as age (χ2=10.133, p=0.017), gravida (χ2=8.905, p=0.003) and parity (χ2=10.825, p=.004) at 0.05 level of significance. Religion (χ2=2.853, p=0.240), educational status (χ2=2.185, p=0.335), occupation (χ2=0.008, p=0.583), profession (χ2=0.280, p=0.366), type of family (χ2 =0.265, p=0.224), monthly family income (χ2=0.307, p=0.959), gestational age (χ2=4.587, p=0.205), regular antenatal visit (χ2=2.606, p=0.280), history of still birth or IUD (χ2=0.394, p=0.530), source of knowledge regarding BPCR (χ2=4.630, p=0.201) and time duration to access antenatal health care facility (χ2=0.015, p=0.901) had no significant association between BPCR and sample characteristics at 0.05 level.


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Key words: Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness, antenatal women.


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Thesis Title: Potential Therapeutic Applications of Advanced Novel Carrier Based Drug Delivery System: Ethosome

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3024

  Registration ID - 150649

 Pages: 47-73

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Vishal sharma, Dr. Akriti Singh, Vishal thakur, Mansi Sharma

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


There are numerous forms of administration methods including oral, transdermal, lung inhalation, mucosal, and intravenous injection, depending on the delivery route. The transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) is one appealing strategy among them. TDDS has emerged as one of the most extensively researched methods for noninvasive drug delivery into the body through the skin. TDDS has had a big impact on the way that several medicinal substances, particularly in the treatment of disorders of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, hormone therapy, and pain management. With almost 12% of the worldwide medication delivery market, transdermal dosage forms are really the most effective nonoral systemic drug delivery methods. Nanocarriers is an advancement in the nanotechnology used in pharmaceutical sciences that are an effective therapeutic agents for controlled and specific delivery of drug molecules to tissues and cells . Ethosomes are one of the non invasive novel nanocarriers that are mainly made up of ethanol thus are biodegradable and biocompatible. In this article we discuss the potentials of ethosomes as a therapeutic agent with examples of various drug loaded ethosomes currently used in the medical era.


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Transdermal drug delivery system , Nanocarriers, Ethosome , therapeutic application.


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3023

  Registration ID - 150674

 Pages: 1-46

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Asst. Prof. Padma Shivaji Patil

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Acrylic acid is an important organic synthesis raw material and synthetic resin monomer, and it is a vinyl monomer with a very fast polymerization rate. Acrylic acid is also known as: acrylic (ester) copolymer, acrylic acid CAS No.: 25035-69-2. Acrylic acid is the simplest unsaturated carboxylic acid, consisting of a vinyl group and a carboxyl group. Pure acrylic acid is a colorless, clear liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. It is miscible with water, alcohol, ether and chloroform, and is prepared from propylene obtained from an oil refinery. Most of them are used to make acrylates such as methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate and hydroxyethyl acrylate. Waterborne acrylic anti-corrosion coatings are usually used in medium and light anti-corrosion fields, usually consisting of a combination of three coats of primer, middle coat and top coat to form a coating system and play a role. Primer is the basis of the entire coating to prevent the penetration of water, ions and oxygen. It has good adhesion and corrosion resistance. It can be used with water-based epoxy and acrylic primers, and it can also be used with solvent-based coatings to form a composite system. Acrylic intermediate coating is mainly used to improve the adhesion to the topcoat and primer, to make the bonding between the two coating films closer, increase the thickness of the coating, and improve the shielding ability of the entire coating system; the topcoat has beautiful decoration and anti-permeation effect, usually a pigment-free varnish to improve the weather resistance of the entire coating. Acrylates are a group of chemicals that are derived from acrylic acid and used in various industries, including adhesives, coatings, textiles, and plastics. In the Indian scenario, acrylates have gained significant importance and are widely used in several sectors. Here are some key points about the acrylates industry in India.


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Thesis Title: Robotics Process Automation Using NLP

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3022

  Registration ID - 150283

 Pages: 971-1000

 Year: November-2023

  Author Name(s): Prashant S Bhandare

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract: Now days every organization is become more and more competitive to become market leader in the business, in order to achieve number one in the market, organization have to provide the good services to their customers. To achieve this organization, need to meet the TAT of each task also they need to provide the error less delivery/services and that should be available to customers 24*7. RPA has become good solution to the organization to provide the services on time, error free and available 24*7 to the customer. In BFSI many activities take place in the back office, e.g. Many customers of banks closes their account for purpose of switching from one type to other (Savings to Current), some want to close account with clearance of balance, closure charges, fines if any. This is the back office activity in office for which teams work to read closure request, perform validations, perform closure steps in respective applications, calculating clearance, closing request and respond to request. As Banks has over thousands of branches and crores of customers this task has turnaround time (TAT) and it is repetitive and ruled based task. It take banks cost in terms of infrastructure, people and time to perform such operations, also needs accuracy and speed to perform such work. In such cases we can use RPA sing NLP and provide the good service to the customers. Various branch all across the world can send email to back office about the closure of saving accounts and Bot can read the email the process the request accordingly.


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RPA, TAT, 24*7, error free


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3021

  Registration ID - 150061

 Pages: 907-970

 Year: November-2023


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Managing knowledge is the process of creating, archiving, and disseminating valuable knowledge, insight, and experience both within and between groups of individuals in organizations with related needs. Organizations’ dynamism for growth is embedded in utilization of knowledge management for the competitive edge. It is therefore paramount for firms to continually adopt strategies in knowledge management. Knowledge management is crucial to how well an organization runs because it allows for efficient development and knowledge transfer within an organization. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of managing knowledge strategy on the performance of State Corporation: a case study of Kenya Tourism Board. Specifically, the study assessed: the effect of knowledge sharing knowledge storage, knowledge acquisition, knowledge accessibility and knowledge creation on performance of State Corporations in Kenya. Organizational learning theory, theory on knowledge bases and theory on resource-based view guided the study. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research methodology and targeted 106 staff members of Kenya Tourism Board employees. Census sampling method was applied and rom the entire population staff of Kenya Tourism Board participated. Primary data sources were used in the research. The developed questionnaire was piloted among persons who did not take part in the final research in terms of clarity, content, and adequate structure. For the purposes of this analysis, Cronbach's alpha will be set at 0.7 or above to ensure reliability and validity. The data was analyzed with the help of a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0) and Microsoft Excel to produce statistics descriptively such as frequency counts, percentages, means, modes, and standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze inferential data. Findings showed that knowledge creation and sharing had a positive and significant influence on the performance of state corporations. The study concluded that knowledge sharing was critical for organizational performance with a positive and significant influence on the State Corporation's performance in Kenya. As a result, this research recommends that information and communication managers at State Corporations endeavor to enhance the current knowledge storage repositories.


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3019

  Registration ID - 109668

 Pages: 826-853

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Mr. Saqlain Khan Gaffar Khan, Mr. Saurabh Sanjeev Deshmukh , Mr. Omkar Dinesh Dhole, Ms. Swarupa Vyankatesh Guddetwar, Ms. Vaishnavi Keshav Tekale

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The Pharmacokinetic Profile Intravenous ceftriaxone 0.5, 1 or 2g produces mean peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) of 82, 151 and 257 mg/L, respectively, whereas intramuscular ceftriaxone 0.5 or 1g achieves Cmax After 2 to 3 hours of receiving 2g of intravenous ceftriaxone, the plasma concentration typically reaches 38 to 76 mg/L. However, 24 hours later, the average plasma concentration is usually between 12 and 20 mg/L .Repeated once-daily intravenous administration of ceftriaxone 2g results in an 8% increase in mean Cmax, and repeated intramuscular administration of ceftriaxone 1g results in 11% accumulation of the drug. Ceftriaxone attaches to albumin in the blood, and the strength of this attachment weakens as ceftriaxone levels in the blood increase. It’s about 95% attached at low concentrations (more than 70 mg/L) and about 58% attached at high concentrations (around 600 mg/L). Ceftriaxone spreads throughout the body, and in healthy individuals, it can occupy a volume ranging from 5.8 to 15.5 litters. Ceftriaxone tends to accumulate in the bile, resulting in average concentrations of about 153 mg/L one hour after receiving a 1g dose and approximately 44 mg/L after three hours. The drug is primarily eliminated unchanged by the kidneys; 45 to 60% of a 0.5 to 3g dose is excreted in the urine of healthy subjects within 48 hours. The excess ceftriaxone is expelled in the bile and feces as non-active substances. The total clearance of ceftriaxone from the bloodstream depends on the dose. It goes up from an average of 0.61 to 1.0 litters per hour after a 0.5g intravenous dose to 1.18 and 1.29 litters per hour after a 2g intravenous dose. The mean elimination half-life (t½) of ceftriaxone in healthy adults is ≈6 to 9 hours, which is considerably longer than that of other Penicillin V and Netilmicin (0.6 to 4.4 hours). The time it takes for ceftriaxone to reduce by half (t½) remains the same, regardless of how much, how often, or how it’s given. The ceftriaxone drug are effectively in severe pneumonia to the combination of penicillin v and netilmiicin, but the ceftriaxone drug caused some rear conduction.


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Severepneumonia ,Ceftriaxone, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Netilmicin, Antibiotic therapy,Treatment efficacy,Clinical outcomes, Hospitalization duration, Adverse events, Antibiotic resistance, Empirical therapy, Comparative study, Patient outcomes, Healthcare guidelines ,Infectious disease management.


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3018

  Registration ID - 109140

 Pages: 782-825

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): Dr. GOA KUSSA DANA

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Following socio-political, socio-economic, and socio-cultural quests, some violent and nonviolent conflicts were intensified in the Wolaita zone of Ethiopia for nearly consecutive years. In response to these conflicts, a number of attempts were made to resolve conflicts and build peace through different mechanisms available in the study area. Therefore, by assuming the media as one of the best conflict resolution and peace-building tools, this study is highly interested to investigate the efforts of media toward conflict resolution, and peace-building in the given study area.


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Thesis Title: Estimating the Cost of Illness and its Predictors among Patients with Ischemic Heart Diseases in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3017

  Registration ID - 109073

 Pages: 663-781

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): KEFAH EL DEBEK

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) places a considerable burden on patients in terms of morbidity and mortality and on society in terms of costs. The prevalence of IHD has been increasing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the last two decades, which led to an increase in the utilization and cost of related healthcare services, including out-of-pocket payments. The objective of this study was to estimate the direct cost of Ischemic Heart Disease in the Emirate of Dubai and identify its predictors. Using the prevalence approach, the cost of services, drugs, current procedural terminology (CPT), and healthcare common procedure coding system (HCPCS), was included in the study. Data were collected on services provided in the private sector in Emirate of Dubai from eClaimLink database of Dubai Health Authority. The total estimated annual cost of IHD in the private health sector in Emirate of Dubai in was AED 61 million, which is equivalent to AED 8,000 per patient, and AED 900 per activity. The out-of-pocket payments contributed by 60% of the total cost. The contributors to the costs were CPT (53%), services (22%), HCPCS (15%), and drugs (10%). 49% of IHD patients were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and 55% were in￾patient visits. 67% of the total cost was spent on AMI, and 31% on Angina Pectoris (AP). AMI contributed to 60% of CPT cost, 59% of the drug cost, 70% of the HCPCS cost, and 83% of the services cost. The study revealed that 57% of the IHD patients were not covered by any health insurance. The results of the cost of illness study clearly indicated that IHD placed a considerable financial burden on patients and on the United Arab Emirates society. The expected increase in prevalence of IHD caused by aging population and increasing body weight should alarm decision makers of increasing costs in the future. This study was conducted in the context of UAE with some local challenges. The results of the study provided information on the complex cost structure of IHD. The high costs of IHD care may in itself indicate that more research is needed, to unveil the real cost of IHD in the governmental health sector. The move to universal coverage is an urgent need for patients with IHD, where they will have health coverage with limited out-of-pocket payments. Providing caps on out-of-pocket payments for IHD patients may reduce the economic burden on IHD patients and improve their accessibility to health services.


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Cost of Illness, Ischemic Heart Diseases, Out-Of-Pocket Payments, Health Insurance, Risk Factors, Charlson Comorbidity Score


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Thesis Title: Sales Promotion and Brand loyalty Case study of Black Friday Marketing Strategy.

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3016

  Registration ID - 103367

 Pages: 632-662

 Year: September-2023


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT This study reviews Black Friday marketing as a potent promotional strategy in boosting and increasing sales and particularly, as it affects consumer loyalty amongst online shoppers in Nigeria. Despite the growing popularity of Black Friday (BF) shopping, there has been paucity of research work on shoppers’ motivations, experiences and behaviors particularly in emerging economy as Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of Black Friday marketing strategy on consumer loyalty in Nigeria using a broad range of constructs, namely, cognitive capital, relational capital, social influence, social identification, social convenience and perceived customer value to gauge the experiences of shoppers, as it relates to consumer loyalty. Online survey, self administered questionnaire was applied to carry out this study. Sample size of 643 was drawn from a population of 1286 of the online retailers data platform under focus, namely Jumia, Konga and Slot. These online retailers actively participate in Black Friday shopping in Nigeria over the last decade. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed in the course of this study. The Stimulus - Organism - Response (S.O.R) was the focal theoretical framework adopted for this study anchored within the context of Wood worth model. (1928), highlighting how the organism handles the relationship between the stimulus and response with the different mediating mechanisms operating in the organism. The constructs as earlier mentioned were used to hypothesize and test the relationships that exist between each of the other six constructs and consumer loyalty using Pearson Correlation coefficient statistical tool. Research methodology utilized in this study was made through quantitative and qualitative descriptive design and inference. The philosophy of the study was embedded in the epistemological fact that consumer loyalty is implicitly integral with retailers’ propensity for consumer loyalty. From the findings of this study, all other constructs as enlisted in this study, have significant and positive effects on consumer loyalty amongst Black Friday shoppers in Nigeria except Social Influence that has no significant impact. Summarily, the findings have instructive managerial implications for retailers towards planning and implementing strategies that would positively impact on their sales and more importantly sustaining the loyalty of their customers.


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Black Friday, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Loyalty, Online Shoppers


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3015

  Registration ID - 108859

 Pages: 509-631

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): Mr.R.Ravindhar, K.Vijalakshmi, N.M. Pranitha, K.Bhuvaneshwari, V.Narmadha

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Education is to civilize humanity and is the method of instruction intended for the all round improvement of individuals. It presents the essential tools and knowledge to comprehend and contribute to the day to day activities of today’s world. It builds character, provides strength of mind and increases knowledge. Education is to afford the individual with suitable social environment, to develop them physically, mentally and emotionally to complete their social obligations. Education as a social foundation is an advantage to the human race for prosperity, progress and peace. Education dispels ignorance and boosts values and intelligence of the individuals. According to Collins (1993), “Education is the systematic instruction and training given especially to the young, in preparation of life”. A common role of education is the socialization of the young into the culture of the society. The Indian Education Commission (1964-1966) emphasizes the pursuit of truth, full development of the youth physically, intellectually, socially and morally with a sense of social purpose, to promote equality and social justice, to promote attitudes and values needed for developing the “Good Life”. The National Philosophy of Education, Malaysia (1987) outlined a number of key factors that need to be implemented in the education field in order to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced. Defining the goals of education, the NPE (1986) document says that emphasis must be laid on the socio- economic well being, competence and creativity of the individual, which encompasses


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Thesis Title: Bacterial Concrete With Aggregate Replacement And GGBS Addition

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3014

  Registration ID - 108813

 Pages: 473-508

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): Deepesh Dakliya

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Concrete is the most widely utilized building material in the world due to its easy adoptability. The concrete is a mixture of aggregates, cement and water. The aggregates are producing from natural resources. The availability of natural resources were decreasing day by day. It creatures huge environmental problems also construction activities are decreasing due to non availability of sand and aggregates. Researchers are studied the alternative materials for sand and aggregates in concrete without compromising the properties of concrete. However, these alternative materials are not available in all places. So, finding alternative materials to sand and aggregates is a continuous process. The granulated blast furnace slag has been recently gained popularity to utilize in concrete as a partial replacement to fine aggregate. Very few literatures are available on the optimum utilization of granulated blast furnace slag as substitute to fine aggregate. In this investigation an attempt has been made to utilize granulated blast furnace slag as partial substitute to fine aggregate. A different proportion of granulated blast furnace slag has been added into the concrete as replacement to fine aggregate. The workability, strength, and durability studies are conducted to know the optimum dosage of granulated blast furnace slag in concrete. Also, to minimize the problem of micro-cracks and voids in concrete bio-mineralization technique has been adopted. Further, the concrete with granulated blast furnace slag and bacteria has been investigated. Results confirm that the inclusion of granulated blast furnace slag as replacement to fine aggregate and Bacillus subtilis bacteria enhances the performance of concrete as compared to control mix. The inclusion of 50% of granulated blast furnace slag as replacement to fine aggregate and Bacillus subtilis bacteria shows comparable results with control mix. The bio-mineralization technique enhances the utilization of granulated blast furnace slag in concrete.


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Thesis Title: Intelligent Automation – A Technical Research Around OpenAI, ChatGPT, Gen AI, and Vast Areas

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3013

  Registration ID - 108724

 Pages: 435-472

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): Sreenath Gurrapu

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


As a result of developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its related domains, automation of knowledge and service labor is an important contemporary technical development. To characterize this phenomenon, we use the phrase Intelligent Automation. This advancement offers organizations a new strategic chance to boost their company worth. However, because academic research contributions that look at these processes are dispersed throughout a wide array of scholarly fields, there isn't much agreement on the most important findings and their ramifications. The intellectual condition and advancement of Intelligent Automation technologies in the knowledge and service sectors are thoroughly characterized in the first interdisciplinary literature review that we have conducted. We offer three important contributions in light of this review. First, we define Intelligent Automation and the technology that support it. Second, we present an intelligent automation model based on business value for knowledge and service labor and list twelve research gaps that prevent a thorough understanding of the process of realizing business value. We then offer a research agenda to fill these deficiencies. In the vast subject of artificial intelligence, it is one of the most current trends. Robotic process automation (RPA), low-code platforms, machine learning, and other cutting-edge methodologies and technologies are all part of IA. Important ideas in the book: Intelligent Automation (IA) – what is it? Why has IA's use been growing so quickly? What advantages does it provide to society, businesses, employees, and customers? How have top firms been able to fully utilize IA at scale and produce enormous efficiency improvements between 20 and 60%? What this book will teach you: Learn the insights from more than 100 successful (and unsuccessful) IA transformations. Take use of the greatest collection of 500+ IAs available to the public. Academics and industrial practitioners are now pursuing robust and adaptive decision making (DM) in real-life engineering applications and automated business workflows and processes to accommodate context awareness, adaptation to environment, and customization due to recent advancements in robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI). With regard to the consideration of decision options, the developing research via RPA, AI, and soft computing offers advanced decision analysis methods, data-driven DM, and scenario analysis, which has advantages in many engineering applications. Achieving previously unheard-of levels of operational effectiveness, decision quality, and system dependability is possible with the new intelligent automation (IA), which combines RPA, AI, and soft computing. While AI has the cognitive abilities to simulate human behavior and process unstructured data via machine learning, natural language processing, and image processing, RPA enables an intelligent agent to eliminate operational errors and mimic manual routine decisions, including rule-based, well-structured, and repetitive decisions involving enormous amounts of data. When context-aware data, ambiguity, and consumer preferences are present in complex decision settings, new opportunities for automated DM procedures, problem detection, knowledge elicitation, and solutions arise.


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Intelligent automation, Robotics process automation, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3012

  Registration ID - 108545

 Pages: 398-434

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): Dr. GOA KUSSA DANA

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The effectiveness of the inmate’s rehabilitation program was measured by their sustainable reintegration into the community and the reduction of their levels of recidivism (MacKenzie 2006; 2014) . However, as stated by some sources, most of the time, inmates released from prison face challenges of reintegration into the community and becoming crime-free citizens in the given study area. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing prisoner rehabilitation programs' performance in Wolaita Soddo's rehabilitation center. The study mainly focused on understanding the influence of administrative practices, resource availability, institutional climate, inmate self-perception, staff technical quality, rehabilitation policies, and coordination among concerned stakeholders on the performance of prisoner rehabilitation programs among inmates in the Wolaita Sodo prison.


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Thesis Title: The legality of online fantasy games with respect to wagering contracts and gambling exceptions in India.

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3011

  Registration ID - 108634

 Pages: 368-397

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): Shaily Fouzdar, Varun Jayesh, Aishwarya Gawde, Anjali Kumari

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Numerous instances of gambling have existed in Indian culture from antiquity, even in the absence of dice; Indians were using the nuts of the vibhakti tree. If we look back to the periods of the Mahabharata, one of the earliest Indian legends, we find that opponents' skills were evaluated not via battle, but through games and boards. According to section 30 of the According to the Indian Contract Act of 1872 , wagering contracts are null and invalid, and no action may be brought for the recovery of anything purportedly gained for a bet or obligated to a person to abide by the conclusion of a game or other uncertain event on which a wager is made. This section does not actually define "wager," rather it represents the full Indian law governing wagering contracts and agreements. The fundamental nature of wagering is destructive and violent. In Scotland, the United States, and Australia, it appears that gambling practises are discouraged and seen unfavourably. Gambling is presently authorised within English law, according to the Gambling Act of 2005 , that is currently in operation in England, Wales, and Scotland. This project's objective is to investigate secondary research sources. The co-authors intend to perform a full comparative assessment of the Indian and English laws governing wagering. The paper will evaluate the numerous features of gambling, including its characteristics, enforcement, and exemptions, from the author's perspective, and compare it to the Gambling Act, 2005.


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Gambling, Wagering, Enforceability, fantasy games, Contract law


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3010

  Registration ID - 108453

 Pages: 328-367

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): RIHAASH T

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Since the dawn of human civilization, manual scavenging has been a career. The deplorable practise of manually removing night soil, which entails removing human waste from dry toilets with nothing but bare hands, brooms, or metal scrappers, as well as carrying waste and baskets to disposal sites, is not only abhorrent but also may represent the highest level of human rights violation. Numerous laws were passed to ensure a fair and casteless society, yet the scavenger tribes' living conditions have remained appalling. It is ironic that the Indian government just established a law banning the inhumane and degrading practise of manual scavenging after decades of independence, most recently in 2013. This paper examines the origins of manual scavenging and, if any, comparable global activities. The examination of the legal system, administrative programmes, court rulings, and corrective actions is another component of this essay (issues and concerns). In a nutshell, this study aims to critically assess the legal regime of manual scavengers in light of the state's inability to guarantee the scavenging community its legal rights and the participation of official agents in violations. This Paper will also provide corrective actions and forward-moving initiatives for integrating the scavenging community into society and making a meaningful contribution to its growth.


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Administrative programmes, inhumane, appalling, contribution, legal regime


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Thesis Title: “A study on the attitude of petrol pump dealers towards fuel price variations with special reference to Kerala State”

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3009

  Registration ID - 108216

 Pages: 297-327

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): HASNATH. T

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Title: “A study on the attitude of petrol pump dealers towards fuel price variations with special reference to Kerala State” Abstract: Introduction: This study aims to analyze the attitude of petrol pump dealers towards the frequent variations of fuel prices in recent scenario. Petroleum products are the world 's most demanding natural resources ever. Price of petroleum products has great implications on the price of many other products and services throughout the world. In India petroleum prices are very high compared to the neighbouring and to other developing countries. Even if the fuel prices in international market were changing, governments will make efforts to look prices here by providing various subsidies, and tax adjustment. But recently our government surrendered some authorities to the dominating bureaucrats playing in Indian oil market with differing names. Obviously, this will have implications up on varying related and non-related areas. Methods: A mixed – methods approach was employed, combining quantitative analysis of survey data and qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with managers and employees from a sample of 50 petrol pump dealers. the survey questionnaire measured the attitude of petrol pump dealers towards the frequent movements in the fuel prices as they are primarily facing the implications and benefits of the same. Results: Here the researcher made an attempt to find out the responses and factors regards to fuel price variation through pump owners especially of the general public. This study reveals that though the pump owners are not benefited from price variation and no reduction in quantity demanded by customers both customers and pump owners have negative attitude towards the price variation. The findings indicate that the operations of pump specifically there by the implications on the grass root level of economy and society to an extend generally. Discussion: The study identifies that It will be better for the pump owners; to implement some refreshment activities for workers to reduce the stress during working hours, increase availability of e-payment system, maintain optimum stock level and reduce credit sales for the problem of bad debt. The study also identifies as the fluctuation are mostly unpredictable in nature, the maintenance of an optimum stock level will be beneficial for the pump owners also better to reduce credit sales for the problem of bad debt and adaptation of nitrogen with air. Conclusion: This study provides empirical evidence of the negative attitude of pump dealers towards the continues changes in fuel prices. It’s clear and responsible that one of the prime areas having implication will be on the retailing mechanism, is upon the pump operations. They may have to bear many in differing way because this will affect their existing stock, ordering quantity, accounting, recording, price and profitability, employer commission, bonus etc. and more than those they suffer because of the deal with end users (public) directly and become the victims of reactions from the most sensitive element of a democratic society i.e., the general public. So, price of petroleum products has great impact of the cost of living especially on the cost of public and private transportation. Due pump dealers are of the persons only dealing with the end users, i.e., general public, many people express their disgrace in fuel price hike with the pump dealers and their workers. Keywords: Petroleum products, dominating bureaucrats, retailing mechanism, optimum stock level, refreshment activities


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Thesis Title: Impact of Micro-finance on welfare and poverty alleviation: A case study of Offa and Oyun Local Government Areas in Kwara state of Nigeria.

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3008

  Registration ID - 107868

 Pages: 271-296

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): Ogunjimi, Samuel Olatunji

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This research work considered the topic “Impact of Microfinance on Welfare and Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Offa and Oyun Local Government Area (LGAs) Kwara State of Nigeria. The major objectives are to assess the extent to which microfinance banks have successfully helped the active poor to improve their standard of living and to assess the impact of the banks on the growth of small and medium –scale enterprises (SMEs) in the two LGAs. This study adopted survey research in sourcing for data and made use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection; the research instrument used was questionnaire and considering sample size to be surveyed the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was adopted using the T-test. The findings from this research work are that microfinance banks have successfully helped rural dwellers to improve their living standard and positively impacted on the growth of SMEs in the two LGAs. Keywords: (Microfinance, Welfare, Poverty, SMEs.)


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Microfinance, Welfare, Poverty, SMEs.


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Thesis Title: Efficacy of Tapered Staging for Intze Tanks

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3007

  Registration ID - 108142

 Pages: 249-270

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): Jayendra K. Mittapalli, Dr. J. B. Dafedar, Zeenat Shaikh

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Elevated water tanks used for storage and distribution of water can have various shapes and structural forms. Such structures are of high importance in day-to-day life as well as after natural disasters like earthquake, cyclone, etc. The storage tank has to be designed such that it can sustain lateral forces like earthquake & wind forces and gravity loads such as dead loads and water loads. The Intze tank, a common type of water storage structure, plays vital role in providing reliable water supply for various domestic, agricultural, and industrial applications. The main advantage of intze tank is due to presence of conical dome, overall diameter of staging substantially reduces leading to reduction in cost. However, for taller staging this reduction in overall diameter of staging may lead to reduction in stiffness and stability of water tanks. Prima-facie tapered staging seems a solution to this problem which can help in increasing overall stability of intze water tanks. This paper focuses on investigating the efficacy of tapered staging for Intze tanks as a potential solution to enhance its structural performance and reduce the total cost. Detailed structural analysis and design is performed to evaluate the behavior and performance of Intze tanks with tapered staging. Limit state method of design as per IS:3370 (Part-II) 2009 is used for design. Effects of varying taper angles, staging heights, and different soil bearing capacities for 5 and 10 lakh liter capacity Intze tank is evaluated. Several performance parameters including seismic details, forces in staging and deformations are evaluated to assess effectiveness of the tapered staging. Comparison is made with conventional straight staging system to highlight the potential benefits and limitations of the tapered staging. It is demonstrated that small taper to the staging helps to improve seismic performance of the Intze tank and also decrease its maximum deflection. Further in the areas with low SBC, providing tapered staging leads to reduction in total cost of staging. In areas with moderate or higher SBC, taper may increase cost of overall staging. Four bracing patterns are also tried for intze tank. Bracing pattern of peripheral along with partial or full cross bracing provide a better seismic performance.


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Intze water tanks, Type of staging, Straight staging, Tapered staging, Seismic design, Bracing patterns


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Thesis Title: Effect Of Sub Symptom Threshold Aerobic Exercise Training In Post- Concussion Syndrome: A Literature Review

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3006

  Registration ID - 108138

 Pages: 233-248

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): Annie Joseph

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Background: Concussion is a physiological brain injury that exhibits systemic and cognitive symptoms. The metabolic and physiologic changes of concussion gives rise to altered autonomic function and control of cerebral flow. Aerobic exercise has received increasing importance in the scientific literature as a factor of management for individuals who sustain a concussion. Since exercise training has been reported to lower symptoms and improve function for those experiencing persistent post-concussion symptoms, it presents a potentially useful and clinically pragmatic intervention technique. Objectives: To monitor and determine if sub symptom threshold exercise preparation is safe and successful for treating post-concussion syndrome. Methodology: Pub Med, Google scholar, Pedro, Science direct, these databases were searched. Based on PICO format and considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria 6 studies were found eligible for this review. It was observed that sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise played an important role in improving the PCS symptoms. Result: A majority of studies show that spontaneous physical activity is safe and that subsymptom threshold aerobic exercise increases the rate of recovery in post-concussion syndrome. Exercise tolerance can be safely monitored using graded exertion test protocols within days of injury and the extent of early exercise tolerance has diagnostic and prognostic value. Conclusion: Sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise is safe and effective for the treatment of Post-concussion syndrome.


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Post-concussion symptom, Chronic post-concussive symptom, Brain injury, Sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3005

  Registration ID - 108065

 Pages: 206-232

 Year: july-2023


  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract: The Muglad Rift basin of interior Sudan is an integral part of the West and Central African Rift System (WCARS). It has undergone a polyphase development, resulting in three major phases of extension with intervening periods when uplift and erosion or non-deposition have occurred. The depositional environment is nonmarine ranging from fluvial to lacustrine. The basin has probably undergone periods of transtensional deformation indicated by the rhomb fault geometry. Changes in plate motions have been recorded in great detail by the stratigraphy and fault geometries within the basin and the contiguous basins. The rift basin has a commercial reserve of petroleum, with both Cretaceous and Tertiary petroleum systems active. The major exploration risk is the lateral seal and local effect of the tectonic rejuvenation and tectonic inversion. In some oilfields, the volcanic rocks constitute a major challenge to seismic imaging and interpretation.


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petroleum system(source rocks, reservoir, traps, seal or cap rocks), tectonics, stratigraphic, sedimentology, migration, accumulation, kerogen types, maturation,, traps types.


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Thesis Title: Terrorism -as an object of Socio-Philosophical Analysis

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3004

  Registration ID - 107368

 Pages: 110-205

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): Muhammad Shaukat Hayat khan

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Terrorism has created havoc in our lives specially people living in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Aim the terrorist is create fear and cause maximum loss of lives. Various steps has been taken to counter the the Terrorism but route cause as to how they are created and from where they are produced. An effort has been made to raise few questions and find adequate solutions.


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Terrorism and counter Terrorism


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  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3003

  Registration ID - 107584

 Pages: 77-109

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): PROF.SATHYASRI. R

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Promotion of Self-esteem Activities among Alcohol Dependants Promotion of self-esteem activities creates three things such as awareness, choice and change among alcoholic dependants. Awareness wakes up thoughts, feelings and behaviors, choice that makes alcoholic dependants to consciously choose what they think and change alter their thoughts, feelings and actions. Hence whenever they see critical change they make the choice to strengthen their brain pathways that affirm positive self- esteem by declaring I am confident. Objectives • Assessment the self esteem level among alcoholics • Association of self esteem and Alcoholism • Assessment of the effectiveness of self esteem activities in promotion of self esteem among alcoholics. Research design adopted was one group pretest posttest design. The conceptual framework for the study was based on Pender’s health promotion model Total number of samples were thirty (30).Self-esteem scale was used to assess the level of self-esteem and to collect the data, it was prepared to assess the level of self-esteem among alcoholic dependants. The data collection tool was validated by experts in the field of psychiatry. Major Findings of the Study: 1. Majority of alcoholic Dependants in the age group of 20-65years. 2. In pre assessment of level of self-esteem for all 30 Alcoholic dependants had low self-esteem (41-60). 3. In post assessment of level of self-esteem for all 30 alcoholic dependants had improved from low self-esteem to normal level of self-esteem (21-40). 4. The mean pretest score of level of self-esteem was 2.2 and there is a increase in posttest mean score 2.6. 5. The paired ‘t’test value of self-esteem is ’t’= 4.16 is greater than the table value (3.66) at the degree of freedom 29 with significant at the level of <0.001. 6. There is a negative influence of age, hours of work and duration of alcohol intake in pretest score of level of self-esteem and also there is a negative influence of age on posttest score of level of self-esteem. 7. There is a positive influence of hours of work and duration of alcohol intake on post test score of level of self-esteem. Conclusion: This study review showed that promotion of self-esteem activities was helpful in improving the self-esteem of alcoholic dependants. This result can be potentially employed as one of the complementary therapy in hospitals and rehabilitation centre for alcoholic dependants.


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Thesis Title: Determinants of dividend payout ratio: Evidence from private insurance companies in Ethiopis

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3002

  Registration ID - 107432

 Pages: 15-76

 Year: July-2023

  Author Name(s): Bereket Tsega Abdi

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study examines the determinants of dividend payout ratio in the Ethiopian private insurance industry. The study used purposive sampling technique and it includes five years of data (2018 to 2022) from 16 private insurance companies. A multiple linear regression model with random effects was used to identify the factors that influence dividend payout decisions. The dependent variable was dividend payout ratio, and the independent variables were ROE, firm size, leverage, growth, EPS, market share, and GDP. The results of the regression analysis reveal that ROE, size, GDP and leverage have an inverse relationship with dividend payout ratio, while growth, market share, and EPS have a direct relationship with dividend payout ratio. ROE, leverage, and GDP were found to be insignificant, while the rest of the variables were significant in explaining the variation in dividend payout ratio. Based on the findings, it is recommended that private insurance companies should carefully consider the effect of EPS, firm Size, Growth and Market share.


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dividend payout, Profitability, Firm Size, Growth in revenue, leverage, Market share, earnings per share and GDP


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Thesis Title: Six Sigma the Complete Reference Using Statistical Analysis

  Published Thesis ID: - TIJERTHE3001

  Registration ID - 100687

 Pages: 1-114

 Year: March-2023

  Author Name(s): Dr Suresh Vidyasagar Menon

  Publisher Name: TIJER (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This article gives the intricacies of the Entire framework of DMAIC of Six Sigma by applying the usage of statistical software tools like Minitab, Sigma XL & Quality Companion Software and Minitab workspace and discussing the intricacies of Define, Measure, Analyse, and Improve& Control Phase with examples.


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Defects, Standard Deviation, Define, Measure, Analyse, Control, Level, lean, Capability Analysis, Gauge, DOE.


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