Role of information technology in rural economic development in India

Paper Title: Role of information technology in rural economic development in India

Authors Name: Dr.Nirmala Sirgapur

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Author Reg. ID: TIJER_101222

Published Paper Id: TIJER2303140

Published In: Volume 10 Issue 3, March-2023

Abstract: Strengthening, Modernization and development of rural India is a crucial question, today. If rural economy can not be upgraded as required, the upgradation of whole country has no meaning. Prime Minister Shri Narandra Modi has called a social mission with a vision of poverty less India till 2030. But, to save nearly 8.35 crore families from the demon of poverty is a difficult task to handle. Prime Minister has initiated to take necessary help of information technology in this task. The rapid development of agricultural and rural areas can be sustained with the reach of information in remote villages and towns of the country through information technology. Without the sustainable development of remote rural areas, the socio-economic development of the country is impossible. In today's world, information technology is being used in a easy manner in every area of human life. This technology is playing a chief role in the development and scope of education, health, infrastructure, trade, industry, commerce and marketing services etc. In this way, information technology revolution has transformed the vision, understanding and status of human life. The commerce and trade activities are the one where information technology has contributed a lot. Information technology has helped to diversify the localised trade and commerce beyond the boundaries in the shape of e-commerce. Financial literacy and Financial inclusion are another big hurdels of developmental pursuits of Indian economy. Information technology, hereto, has played a catalytic role in bringing more population under the banner of financial literacy as well as financial inclusion. In the areas of education, information technology, again played a marvelous role as it made the access easy and simply. MOOCs, e-pathshala and other platforms are providing easy patterns to educate remote and geographically weak area masses, too.

Keywords: Development Technology Rural development

Downloads: 000177

Page No: 90-97

Country: Kalburgi 585101, Karnataka , India

Research Area: Social Science All

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Published Paper PDF:

"Role of information technology in rural economic development in India ", TIJER - TIJER - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (, ISSN:2349-9249, Vol.10, Issue 3, page no.90-97, March-2023, Available :

ISSN: 2349-9249 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.57 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2014
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.57 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

Publisher: TIJER(IJPublication)

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