Representation of Afghan Families in context with Khaled Hosseini's "And the Mountains Echoed"

Paper Title: Representation of Afghan Families in context with Khaled Hosseini's "And the Mountains Echoed"

Authors Name: Ancy Femina Rose A , Dr. Alby Grace

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Author Reg. ID: TIJER_100967

Published Paper Id: TIJER2303111

Published In: Volume 10 Issue 3, March-2023

Abstract: The term family is multifaceted and capable of much identification. The chapter focuses on how to define the family or in other words, families. This presentation will cover family ideals and their historical turning points during the past century. In particular, family ideas and representations are essential for capturing the complex picture of families. Family representations reflect how people view their family based on existing and culturally accepted signs and pictures and family ideology are perceived as ideal ways of life, and so depict the varied reality. In addition, the idea of a family is dynamic and has different meanings depending on the culture and even the individual family members. Due to the impossibility of providing a globally comprehensive picture of the ideologies and representations associated with this term, this chapter will primarily concentrate on the ideologies, histories, and representations associated with families in Western Anglophone cultures. In Khaled Hosseini’s novel, And the Mountains Echoed, the protagonist is permanently estranged from her biological parents, which causes a sense of estrangement and desire. According to the key elements of family views, the research focuses on the analysis of Khaled Hosseini’s And the Mountains Echoed which was written after he immigrated to the United States from Afghanistan.

Keywords: Afghan, trauma, depression, separation, reunion, adoption

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Page No: 886-890

Country: Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India

Research Area: Medical Science All

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Published Paper PDF:

"Representation of Afghan Families in context with Khaled Hosseini's "And the Mountains Echoed"", TIJER - TIJER - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (, ISSN:2349-9249, Vol.10, Issue 3, page no.886-890, March-2023, Available :

ISSN: 2349-9249 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.57 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2014
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.57 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

Publisher: TIJER(IJPublication)

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