Desgin and Fabrication of Solar E Tricycle

Paper Title: Desgin and Fabrication of Solar E Tricycle

Authors Name: V V N Bhaskar Kandula , Naveen chilamkurthi , Nazeer Ahamad Muhammad , Venkata Jagannadh Gopu , Mohana Krishna Jajula

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Author Reg. ID: TIJER_101112

Published Paper Id: TIJER2303072

Published In: Volume 10 Issue 3, March-2023

Abstract: Technology in transportation is being improved in our day to day life but in case of handicapped the journey to one place to other is becoming difficult. We see lot of people who are struggling in journey to go from one place to another. So we came forward with an idea of implementing a better way for handicapped people to travel with ease and without struggle. Solar energy is being a renewable and non-conventional source of energy which is also a environmental friendly and free of cost. We came to implement an idea to make journey easier to handicapped people by using solar energy to move tri-cycle. This project is about building a tricycle that is motorized and is powered by solar energy, the overall layout of this tri-cycle is economical to fabricate and this type of tri-cycle may prove mile stone in development of technology for physically challenged people. The main content of the tri-cycle is Solar PV panel, DC motor, Controller, Throttle, battery. In this project it is discussed that how solar tri-cycle will help to reduce the effort of handicapped person

Keywords: Solar PV Cell, Battery, Controller, DC Motor, Throttle.

Downloads: 000295

Page No: 538-544

Country: Nandamuru, Andhra Pradesh, India

Research Area: Science and Technology

Published Paper URL:

Published Paper PDF:

"Desgin and Fabrication of Solar E Tricycle", TIJER - TIJER - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (, ISSN:2349-9249, Vol.10, Issue 3, page no.538-544, March-2023, Available :

ISSN: 2349-9249 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.57 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2014
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.57 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

Publisher: TIJER(IJPublication)

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