What is UGC Approved Journals?
UGC Approved Journals are the medium through which you can publish your articles. University Grant Commission will consider your article as valid only when you submit it in the UGC Approved Journals.
Note - Any other private journals which are not included in the 2021 List will not be considered valid.
In the last update, UGC Approved Journals list was replaced with the UGC CARE list. So, if you want to submit your article to UGC Journal List 2021 then you must know about it.
The following are the reasons for the establishment of the CARE List.
To promote quality research, academic integrity, and publication.
To prevent publications in dubious/predatory/sub-standard journals.
To maintain the Reference UGC CARE List of Quality Journals.
To develop a methodology and approach for good quality journal identification.
What is UGC CARE List of Journals?
UGC strongly emphasizes on promoting high quality research and knowledge contents by faculty members, researchers and students. To meet these goals and to ensure prevention of academic misconduct, UGC has set up “Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)”.
UGC CARE List – Group Wise Info!
University Grant Commission comprises the UGC CARE List 2021 in two main groups; Group-I and Group-II (previously there were four groups (A, B, C & D)).The journals submitted by Council Members and Universities would be analysed by the UGC Cell.
You can check the UGC CARE List 2021 group details from below.
UGC CARE List Group I: Journals found qualified through UGC-CARE protocols.
UGC CARE List Group II: Journals indexed in globally recognized databases.
UGC CARE Journal List Group I:
In this 2021 list, the journals are classified into 5 major subjects in which a total of 1456 journals are included. You can check the subject wise UGC Approved Journals 2021 from the table given below :
Subject | Total UGC Approved Journals 2021 |
Sciences | 422 |
Social Sciences | 347 |
Arts & Humanities | 383 |
Multidisciplinary | 56 |
Indian Languages | 248 |
Reasons to setup UGC-CARE list
Core reasons to setup UGC-CARE are well explained below:To promote only quality research, academic integrity and publication ethics in all Indian Universities.
For promoting high-quality publications in reputed journals to achieve higher global ranks.
To prevent publications in dubious/predatory/sub-standard journals that reflects adversely and tarnish the Indian academia image.
To maintain the UGC-CARE List of Quality Journals for all academic purposes.
UGC-Care has divided whole list of journals into four main groups which are explained here:
Group A: Research Journals from all disciplines which are indexed in Scopus (Source List) or Web of Science (Arts and Humanities Citation Index Source Publication, Science Citation Index Expanded Source Publication, Social Science Citation Index Source Publication).
Group B: UGC Care List of Journals from the previous list which is qualified as per the analysis protocols.
Group C: Recommended journals by UGC-CARE Council members from all disciplines which are qualified as per the analysis protocols.
Group D: Journals submitted by UGC-CARE Universities for all disciplines and languages which are qualified as per the analysis protocols.
How to Check UGC Approved Journal? Complete Procedure
Below, we have provided the procedure that can help you to get existing UGC CARE List Journals along with new journals approved by CARE-EC.
Step 1: Visit the official website of UGC CARE i.e. https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/lr/login
Step 2: Register yourself by submitting the required details and create a password carefully.
Step 3: Log in to the website by using your email id and password.
Step 4: Now, you can search for the journals that are categorized in Group I & II, as mentioned above.
Alert cloned journal
UGC care has received complaints about several journals which are not following the standard publishing practices. After scrutinizing these journals in accordance with UGC Care protocols, UGC has decide to remove these journals from UGC group. Please note that any publication in these journals will not be consider for any academic purpose.UGC cell for journal analysis, centre of publication ethics (CPE) at SPPU Pune has been notified of cloned and online version of print only journals, the ISSN, title, logo etc. has been cloned.
Cloned list of Group I https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/Web/CloneJournals
Cloned list of Group II https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/Web/CloneJournalsGroupII
The Journal found to be involved in unethical practices will be removed immediately.
Disclaimer: Our journal undergoes a rigorous peer-review and refereed journals. However, for indexing status and inclusion in databases such as UGC CARE, Scopus, or Web of Science, we recommend referring to the latest and updated lists available on their respective websites. The information provided here may become outdated and should be independently verified.
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